The Safety and Effectiveness of Whitening Products (carbamide peroxide gel)

carbamide peroxide gel

The Council on Scientific Affairs of the American Dental Association or ADA has been following closely the development of whitening products. And the demand for these products is increasing greatly. ADA recognizes the importance of setting down standard definitions when talking about tooth whitening products.

“Whitening”, for example, us the process that will render the teeth whiter or atleast make it appear whiter. There are 2 ways that can achieve this. One is actually changing the natural tooth color, making it whiter. Bleaching products contain peroxide which not only removes surface or extrinsic discoloration but also the acts to penetrate the deep or intrinsic stains. On the other hand, non-bleaching products only have agents that only remove surface stains by chemical or physical action.

These products can be dispensed and/or administered by a dentist or bought by the patient directly from a drugstore, which is called over-the-counter products. All of these can be divided into 2 major groups.

Peroxide-containing whiteners or bleaching agents

Whitening products and for home-use OTC products carrying the ADA Seal of Acceptance contain 10% carbamide peroxide. But there are also compliant non-members and the consumers are left with many options to choose from. ADA advices people to consult their dentist first before applying any bleaching solution.

For water-based whitening solutions, hydrogen peroxide—the active ingredient—is
produced as a by-product by the breakdown of a carbamide peroxide. The other by-product is urea. The other ingredients of tooth bleachers that contains peroxide are: carbopol, sodium hydroxide, glycerine and flavoring agents.

Carbamide peroxide has a neutral pH of 10 and so is trusted as a safe and effective bleacher. The only common side effects of using carbamide peroxide or hydrogen are tooth sensitivity and irritation in the oral mucosa or the soft tissues in the mouth specifically the gums. During the early stages of the whitening treatment, tooth sensitivity is often observed. Tissue irritation, more often than not, is caused by an ill-fitted nightguard or tray and not by the bleaching agents themselves. These two side effects are only temporary though.

For whitening products that are professionally administered, there are also many kinds. The concentrations of the hydrogen peroxide contained in these products range from 15 percent to 35 percent. These are often used with a light or laser that accelerates the whitening action. Utilizing a rubber dam or protective gel, gum tissues are isolated before the products are applied. Unlike products uses at home which takes up to 4 weeks before any visible signs of improvement are seen, professionally administered bleachers works in just about an hour.

carbamide peroxide gel

By Jan Thomsen

Teeth Whitening Gel – Does it Work?: carbamide peroxide gel

carbamide peroxide gel

The whitening gel contained in a whitening pen typically contains hydrogen peroxide in a concentration of 5.25%. This formulation is both safe enough and strong enough to effectively remove the stains on the surface of your teeth, as well as penetrate the enamel to whiten the dentin beneath the surface.

And unlike whitening strips, which only whiten the front of the teeth and leave the sides discolored, the whitening pen employs a brush tip that allows you to access the difficult to reach spaces and gaps between your teeth and achieve uniform whitening.

Teeth whitening gel whitens your teeth and brightens your smile, and does so without the time and expense associated with other whitening products. It can be used just about anyplace and is a good alternative to to the high priced professional treatments that also require the inconvenience of a visit to the dentist's office.

carbamide peroxide gel

by: Tony_S._Michaels

Teeth Whitening Gel - Does it Work?: carbamide peroxide gel

carbamide peroxide gel

Teeth whitening gel has become a popular whitening option today for many people who are looking for a way to noticeably enhance their teeth's appearance but without the cost and inconvenience of other whitening products.

Peroxide based whitening gel is used in most professional whitening treatments, but it is also available for home use as well. Composed of either hydrogen peroxide or carbamide peroxide, two powerful bleaching agents, whitening gel can be applied directly to your teeth on a regular basis for results that are both quick and safe.

One way of applying teeth whitening gel quickly and easily to your teeth is by using a whitening pen, an innovative product that allows you to dispense the gel directly and conveniently onto your teeth whenever you want to.

The whitening pen is perfect for those times when other whitening methods are not convenient, such as when you are driving, working or even sleeping. It's small enough to carry with you wherever you go, either in a pocket or in your purse, ready for use whenever you may need it.

carbamide peroxide gel

By Tony S. Michaels

How do Teeth Whitening Products Work? (carbamide peroxide gel)

carbamide peroxide gel

Results are noticed within an hour, overnight or within three to four days that solely depends on the type of bleaching gel used and the length of time it is applied on. The tooth appears lighter and whiter without the change in the structure of the tooth or damage to the enamel. Some gels include sodium hydroxide, carbomer, glycerin, sodium fluoride and flavoring ingredients that keeps the teeth strong and healthy. Perfecta teeth whitening appear after a week or month of application and lasts for at least three years. The lasting however depends greatly on personal habits.

In the professional methods of teeth whitening, the dentist use protective gel and rubber shield while bleaching the teeth. These products efficiently guard the gums, lips and soft tissues of the mouth. The plastic tray used in the Loaded Tray method of Teeth Whitening, efficiently carries the bleaching or whitening gel Carbamide Peroxide to be worn in the gum. One can notice 3 shades of color change after using the product.

Some irritation may occur when the teeth whitening products are used. In such case one should identify the product and stop its use or consult his dentist immediately.

carbamide peroxide gel


How do Teeth Whitening Products Work?

carbamide peroxide gel

Whitening the teeth with the use of proper teeth whitening products or teeth whitening kits is both effective and safe. It is because none of the good quality teeth whitening products damage the enamel. (carbamide peroxide gel)

The teeth whitening products or teeth whitening kits containing brush-on gels, whitening sprays and toothpastes contain three percent hydrogen peroxide or ten percent carbamide peroxide that breaks down into oxygen molecules when they are applied in the teeth in the presence of light or heat source. The oxygen molecules enter the tiny pores of the enamel and dentin, and break up the stains that block out the light. More and more stains are broken into smaller pieces, as light passes through the teeth and makes them look lighter. Stains of yellowish to slightly brownish nature are best removed by this teeth whitening kit.

carbamide peroxide gel

Oliver Turner

Teeth Whitening: A Quick Look at the Methods of Teeth Whitening: carbamide peroxide gel

carbamide peroxide gel

In the Loaded Tray method of Tooth Whitening, dentists load prescribed bleaching or whitening gel Carbamide Peroxide inside the custom-made or ready-made tray and fix it with the gum. The chemical reacts with saliva to release Hydrogen Peroxide and substantial whitening is noticed after two to three weeks of wearing the tray.

In the Laser Teeth Whitening method, Carbamide Peroxide, a bleaching agent, is applied directly to the teeth together with laser to quickly activate the reaction between the teeth and the peroxide. This clinical treatment is costlier than all other methods of teeth whitening.

In the Blue Light Teeth Whitening method, a blue light is used to quickly activate the reaction between Hydrogen Peroxide and the teeth. The effect of this professional treatment lasts for several years. Users of this professional method of teeth whitening visualize the effect immediately after few clinical sitting with the dentist.

In Home-based methods of teeth whitening, home-based gels containing a solution of carbamide / hydrogen peroxide is used which give good result after prolonged usage.
People dedicated to a busy lifestyle should use professional methods of teeth whitening for perfecta teeth whitening, while others can patiently bleach at home using home-based methods.

carbamide peroxide gel

by: Oliver_Turner

Teeth Whitening: A Quick Look at the Methods of Teeth Whitening (carbamide peroxide gel)

carbamide peroxide gel

Tooth whitening, also called bleaching, is a process of lightening and removing stains from a tooth. This process bleaches the enamel and dentin, the principal mass of a tooth, and brightens the discolored teeth.

Dentists advise on the many methods of tooth whitening available in the market. Some of the methods of tooth whitening are the use of over-the-counter whitening systems; dentist dispensed at-home products, laser tooth whitening method; Loaded Tray Teeth Whitening method and in-office whitening methods. Dentists consider tooth bleaching using peroxide chemical as the best option for maximum whitening result.

The simple and straightforward method of tooth whitening is the use of over-the-counter topical teeth whitening products that includes whitening toothpastes and gels, whitening strips, a band aid containing peroxide to place directly on the teeth, are most effective among all other over-the-counter products.

carbamide peroxide gel

By Oliver Turner

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