How do Teeth Whitening Products Work?

carbamide peroxide gel

Whitening the teeth with the use of proper teeth whitening products or teeth whitening kits is both effective and safe. It is because none of the good quality teeth whitening products damage the enamel. (carbamide peroxide gel)

The teeth whitening products or teeth whitening kits containing brush-on gels, whitening sprays and toothpastes contain three percent hydrogen peroxide or ten percent carbamide peroxide that breaks down into oxygen molecules when they are applied in the teeth in the presence of light or heat source. The oxygen molecules enter the tiny pores of the enamel and dentin, and break up the stains that block out the light. More and more stains are broken into smaller pieces, as light passes through the teeth and makes them look lighter. Stains of yellowish to slightly brownish nature are best removed by this teeth whitening kit.

carbamide peroxide gel

Oliver Turner

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