Are You Using The RIGHT Tooth Whitening Gel Product? | carbamide peroxide gel

carbamide peroxide gel

Using A Tooth Whitening Gel -- Are There Side Effects?

There are generally no adverse side effects because most carbamide peroxide formulations are never higher than 22%. However, it is common to feel a heightened sensitivity after a good bleaching, especially when a wave of cool air hits your teeth. This can be uncomfortable but is temporary and for the majority of people, bearable.

Using A Tooth Whitening Gel -- How Do You Choose The Right Product?

There isn't really a "best" tooth whitening kit -- each one has its advantages and disadvantages. You have to choose a tooth whitening gel and system based on your lifestyle, expectations, dedication to the whitening process, and budget. Tooth trays are generally considered to be the most superior of home-based whitening products. Then again, some people prefer to use strips which are less cumbersome. It really is down to you as you weigh the tooth whitening cost as well as the pros and cons of each system. That's the best tooth whitening tip we can give you.

by: Belinda_Sinclair

carbamide peroxide gel

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